In this article we will work with s3cmd tool to manage our AWS S3 buckets. if you havent installed it go ahead and see my previous article on installing the s3cmd tool.
Examples of using s3cmd tool.
We will start by using the ls command option:
this will list all our buckets.
We can also list the content of one specific bucket:
Create a new S3 bucket using the mb option:
Add a file to a bucket using the put option:
Add multiple files to a S3 bucket using a wildcard:
we can use a * wildcard to copy file into a S3 bucket.
Copy a file from and S3 bucket onto your local machine using the get command option:
the syntax is :
s3cmd get {bucket}/{file} {new location}
Copy a file from and S3 bucket onto local machine and overwrite existing one using the --force option: