Sqlite Sqlite_version Function

SQLite: sqlite_version Function

This SQLite post explains how to use the sqlite_version function in with syntax and examples.


Wondering how to find out what version of SQLite you have? The sqlite_version function returns the version of SQLite that you are running.


The syntax for the sqlite_version function in SQLite is:


Parameters or Arguments

There are no parameters or arguments for the sqlite_version function.


  • The sqlite_version function will return the SQLite version number as a string value.

Applies To

The sqlite_version function can be used in the following versions of SQLite:

  • SQLite 3.8.6, SQLite 3.8.x, SQLite 3.7.x, SQLite 3.6.x


Let's look at how to use the sqlite_version function in SQLite.

To find out what version of SQLite is running, we would execute the following command.

For example:

sqlite> SELECT sqlite_version();
Output: '3.7.13'    (your version will vary)

This call to the sqlite_version function will return the version of SQLite as a string value. In this example, we are running SQLite 3.7.13. Your answer will vary depending on the version that you have installed.