In this post explains how to use the DATEPART function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the DATEPART function returns a specified part of a given date, as an integer value.
The syntax for the DATEPART function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is:
DATEPART( interval, date )
The time/date interval that you wish to retrieve from date. It can be one of the following values:
Value (any one of) | Explanation |
year, yyyy, yy | Year interval |
quarter, qq, q | Quarter interval |
month, mm, m | Month interval |
dayofyear | Day of year interval |
day, dy, y | Day interval |
week, ww, wk | Week interval |
weekday, dw, w | Weekday interval |
hour, hh | Hour interval |
minute, mi, n | Minute interval |
second, ss, s | Second interval |
millisecond, ms | Millisecond interval |
The date to use to retrieve the interval value.
The DATEPART function can be used in the following versions of SQL Server (Transact-SQL):
Let's look at some SQL Server DATEPART function examples and explore how to use the DATEPART function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL).
For example:
SELECT DATEPART(year, '2014/04/28');
Output: 2014
SELECT DATEPART(yyyy, '2014/04/28');
Output: 2014
SELECT DATEPART(yy, '2014/04/28');
Output: 2014
SELECT DATEPART(month, '2014/04/28');
Output: 4
SELECT DATEPART(day, '2014/04/28');
Output: 28
SELECT DATEPART(quarter, '2014/04/28');
Output: 2
SELECT DATEPART(hour, '2014/04/28 09:49');
Output: 9
SELECT DATEPART(minute, '2014/04/28 09:49');
Output: 49
SELECT DATEPART(second, '2014/04/28 09:49:12');
Output: 12
SELECT DATEPART(millisecond, '2014/04/28 09:49:12.726');
Output: 726