MySQL is very easy to setup and requires minimum of time and resources.
In this tutorial we will setup a simple Master - Slave replication.
We assume that 2 MySQL servers are already installed if not follow this tutorial before you continue MySQL Installation on Linux.
In this example we will use the following servers bih001( and bih002(
Follow the steps that are required to configure the MySQL replication environments.
Step 1: Edit the configuration files & start the MySQL Servers.
Add the following lines to your Master server in our case bih001
When editing the configuration file /etc/mysql/my.cnf and be sure to use different server ids for the hosts
Step 2: Add the following lines to your Slave server in our case bih002.
Make sure the paths are correct.
Step 3:Start your MySQL servers with the new configuration
Step 4:Create Replication User
Create an account on the master server that the slave server can use to connect.
This account must be given the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege.
Step 5:Find the master_log_file & master_log_pos
Now you need to find the master_log_file & master_log_pos that will be used for the Initialize Replication command .
Step 5:Initialize Replication
Connect to the SLAVE server and initiate replication using the following script.
MASTER_HOST: the IP or host-name of the master server, in this example blue or
MASTER_USER: this is the user we granted the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege to in Step 4.
MASTER_PASSWORD: this is the password we assigned to REPLICATION user in Step 4
MASTER_LOG_FILE: is mysql-bin.000004 (wouldn't be empty if there were existing writes to be picked up from the master)
MASTER_LOG_POS: is 383(would likely be different if there were existing writes to be picked up from the master)
Step 6:Start replication process
Connect to the slave server and issue the following command:
To check the status of the replication you can use the commands:
Also create objects on the master and check if they are created on to the slave server as well.