The script will list all RMAN backups that have finished in the last 24 hours and are FULL , you get the status, start time and end time select operation, status, object_type, to_char(start_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as start_time, to_char(end_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as end_time from v$rman_status where start_time > SYSDATE -1 and operation = 'BACKUP' and object_type = 'DB FULL' order by start_time desc;
select operation, status, object_type, to_char(start_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as start_time, to_char(end_time,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mi:ss') as end_time from v$rman_status where start_time > SYSDATE -1 and operation = 'BACKUP' and object_type = 'DB FULL' order by start_time desc;