Relocate a service - Oracle Database Script. SYNTAX - srvctl relocate service -d {database_name} -s {service_name} -i {old_inst_name} -r {new_inst_name} EXAMPLE:(Relocating service PRDB_SRV FROM PREDB2 TO PREDB1) srvctl relocate service -d PREDB -s PRDB_SVC -i PREDB2 -t PREDB1 -- Check the status of service srvctl status service -d PREDB -s PRDB_SVC
SYNTAX - srvctl relocate service -d {database_name} -s {service_name} -i {old_inst_name} -r {new_inst_name} EXAMPLE:(Relocating service PRDB_SRV FROM PREDB2 TO PREDB1) srvctl relocate service -d PREDB -s PRDB_SVC -i PREDB2 -t PREDB1 -- Check the status of service srvctl status service -d PREDB -s PRDB_SVC