ORA-28534: Heterogeneous Services preprocessing error
What triggered the Error:
e of the things that the Heterogeneous Services can do is to preprocess parts of SQL statements that contain implicit coercions or calls to explicit coercion functions like TO_CHAR TO_NUMBER or TO_DATE. For example, it could convert a call to TO_DATE to a bind variable, pre-evaluate the TO_DATE function call and pass the resulting value to the non-Oracle system as the bind value. This behavior is controlled by some coercion related capabilities. If the capabilities are set incorrectly, the HS could encounter errors when it attempts to do the preprocessing. If it does then this error will be signaled.What should we do to fix it:
e capability table settings are controlled by the agent vendor and can be modified by the DBA. Contact your DBA and agent vendor and get the correct set of capabilities installed.