In this short article i will go over the basic command used to work with AWS S3 storage command line client.
For this you will need to install the AWS client first and and have an AWS account ready for use(Is Free and comes with a good amount of free EC2 hours to use).
To install the AWS client follow this article, is easy as 1,2,3 :).
So the S3 utility that comes with the AWs client is a powerful tool that will enable you to manage your AWs S3 buckets for the command line and also you can implement it using scripts and create automated tasks.
I will start by creating a new bucket and from here execute some basic tasks and commands.
Add a new bucket
use the mb(make bucket) option followed by the {URI}:://name_of_bucket
List Bucket details
you will use the ls option followed by the bucket name
Remove Bucket
use the rb(remove bucket) option followed by the {URI}:://name_of_bucket
Remove a bucket that contains files
use the rb(make bucket) option followed by the {URI}:://name_of_bucket and the --force option.
-if you try to remove a bucket that contains files you will get the following error.
Add new objects to a bucket:
Adding a new object to a S3 bucket is quite easy and similar to the copy command from Linux (cp).
aws s3 cp source destination option
Copy an object from one bucket to another
Copy an object from one bucket to the same bucket
Copy from a S3 bucket to a local folder
Sync the content of two buckets
the sync S3 option recursively copies new and updated files from the source directory to the destination.
aws s3 sync {source} {destination} {option}
Sync the content of one local folder and a S3 bucket
I will post more advanced AWS S3 command line examples in the future articles.