HP Vertica 8 "Frontloader" Released

The new HP Vertica 8 "Frontloader" was Released and it comes with a lot of great new features. We will try to go over the most important features of this new Vertica release.

  •   Vertica is available now on Microsoft Azure cloud platform.(More info on this at this link).
  •   Amazon AWS documentation of HP Vertica running on AWS cloud is now part of the official HP Vertica documentation(See more here).
  •  Advanced Analytics Package - Machine Learning Package now Included in Server Install.(See more here).
  •  Apache Kafka integration that provides a high-performance loading mechanism for streaming data from a third party message bus into your Vertica database.(See more here).
  • Python SDK was added. This SDK allows you to use Vertica Python APIs to add additional functionality to your Vertica cluster.(See more here).
  • Management Console comes now with a Kafka and AWS S3 loading jobs monitor features; extended monitoring is enable over longer periods of time; Table usage monitor(if any projection has been used or unused).
  • Apache Spark integration. This new feature enables us to transfer data between Vertica and Apache Spark.
  • User Client Connections can be limited now as per each user and they are enforced cluster-wide.
We can see more and more that HP Vertica is becoming a close component of any Apache Hadoop Eco System.  Would be great to see Apache NiFi to integrate with HP Vertica.