How to Install Ambari-Server and Ambari-Agent

   In this post we will continue with our Amabri installation, after we have setup our Linux machine/host to receive our Ambari server now we are going to see how to setup the ambari repo, download and setup Ambari server.

Follow the step below and you will in good hands:
  • Login as root
  • Download the Ambari repository file to a directory on your installation host.
ambari Run the following commands to download the repository.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget -nv
Note: Do not modify the ambari.repo file name.

Take a look into the file and make sure is enabled.

[root@ip-10-131-13-241 yum.repos.d]# cat ambari.repo

name=ambari-2.1.0 - Updates

Install the Ambari Server.

This also installs the default PostgreSQL Ambari database
yum install ambari-server -y

Setup the Ambari Server

For this task use the setup option with the ambari-server.
ambari-server setup
The setup will walk you thru some basic installation questions, just take the default options (similar to windows next next next). Note: - when it reaches the database repository make sure you go with the default PostgreSQL option. After setup complete proceed to the next steps.

Start the Ambari Server

Run the following command on the Ambari Server host:

ambari-server start

To check the Ambari Server processes:

ambari-server status

To stop the Ambari Server:

ambari-server stop
We are now good to go and configure the HDP Cluster, but this we are going to do in the next post.