How to create a schema and grant access to it in AWS RedShift
If you are new to the AWS RedShift database and need to create schemas and grant access you can use the below SQL to manage this process
Schema creation
To create a schema in your existing database run the below SQL and replace
my_schema_name with your schema name
If you need to adjust the ownership of the schema to another user - such as a specific db admin user run the below SQL and replace
my_schema_name with your schema name
my_user_name with the name of the user that needs access
Now to allow only SELECT access to the new my_schema_name schema to the user my_user_name run the below SQL and replace
my_schema_name with your schema name
my_user_name with the name of the user that needs access
To allow ALL access to the new my_schema_name schema to the user my_user_name run the below SQL and replace
my_schema_name with your schema name
my_user_name with the name of the user that needs access
If the user my_user_name does not already have access rights to the database that the schema belongs to run the below SQL and replace
my_databasea_name with your database name
my_user_name with the name of the user that needs access
Group access
To assign permissions to a user group rather than individual user in RedShift change the abover queriers from TO my_user_name to TO GROUP my_user_group. Replacing my_user_group with the name of your RedShift user group.