In Vertica we can take advantage of the "Partition Pruning" so we can speed up our queryes. So what happens when we query a partitioned table in Vertica. - all ROS containers that are not needed will be eliminated/excluded from the Query process, this is done using the predicate values to compare them with the partition-related metadata. - is very important that when using partitions you provide the query with a predicate that is on the partitioning column. Let's create a partitioned table and identify if Vertica is able to use the Partition Pruning or not. Run the query that we assume that the partition pruning will be used. Next run the following query to see if you have any events that contains the "PARTITIONS_ELIMINATED" event.
this tells us that only 1 ROS was used in the query execution out from the 3 ROS available and the rest were pruned "excluded from the query plan".
Another way to see this using the EXPLAIN command with the LOCAL VERBOSE option.