Cold backup is done when database is not open. While performing cold backup using RMAN the database need to be in MOUNT mode. This is because RMAN needs the data file details which are available while database is in MOUNT mode.
Cold backup is also called consistent backup. This is because before bringing the database in MOUNT mode, the database is first shutdown with IMMEDIATE or TRANSACTIONAL option.
As this backup is a cold backup the, the archive log files will be not required to restore and recover the database. Hence archive log files are not added.
I use for this task two script :
cold_bkp.rman - is holding the rman commands - is holding the environment variables and execution string.
This are the scripts i use for this task:
the script will hold the environment variables need and also the rman connector string where you need to provide it with a tns entry and with a user and password account.
How to run the script
you just need to make them execuables and run them.
To monitor the execution just run tail on the log file.