How apply agent patches in Oracle Entrprise Manager 12C
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to apply patches to our monitoring agents using the OEM 12C grapfical interface
1-From the main screen, at the bottom of the page you will have your Patch Recomandation menu. Chose the type of patches you want to see.(in our case agent patches)
2-Select what patches you want to apply
3-Create a new plan to apply the patches
4-Give a name to the new created plan
5-Open the new created plan, at the top right of the screen
6-The plan contains 5 steps . In the first step you need to :
A-provide the information about the plan
B- Who can manage/access this plan
7-Step two. You need to overview the patches you want to apply
8-Step three. Provide the necessary credentials need for this task
9-Step four. Validate the process
10-This might take few minutes-
11-In case you don't have any errors proceed to the next step
12-Step Five. Proceed with the implementation of the patch
13-Read the msg and be aware that some off time will be needed forthis operation
14-You can see the logs of the implementation of the patch