How to uninstall Apache Hadoop components on Linux Hortonworks HDP
In this tutorial we are going to see how we can uninstall/remove HortonWorks HDP components.
Ambari is great and it offers a great management platform for your Hadoop HDP components but it has it flow and cons, one of them is uninstalling components. There is no Web-UI option that enables us this, so we are going to create our own way of doing it.
Follow this steps to uninstall all Apache Hadoop (Hortonworks HDP) components including the Ambari Server.
1. Stop all services in ambari:
Use the Ambari Web-UI to stop all services as shown below:
2. Remove all HDP users and their home directories
3. Remove all Hadoop packages including Ambari server and agent.
use the yum tools for this task.
4. Remove all log directories of the Hadoop Services.
5. Remove all hadoop directories.
6.Remove all config directories:
7.Remove all process Id’s
8.Remove all library folders
9.Remove oozie/sqoop temp folders
10. delete the database you used for ambari, hive and oozie