Alter User in Vertica

Alter user Vertica

Users can only be altered by the admin user. The changes applied on the user will only apply in the future sessions not in the current session.

Changes that can be made by regular users:
  • can change their own passowrd using the "IDENTIFIED BY" commnad.
  • can change their default "RESOURCE POOL" to any other as long as they have been granted access to it.
  • they can alter their search path.
  • The syntax to alter an user is:
    ALTER USER name
    ... [ ACCOUNT { LOCK | UNLOCK } ]
    ... [ DEFAULT ROLE {role [, ...] | NONE} ]
    ... [ IDENTIFIED BY 'password' [ REPLACE 'old-password' ] ]
    ... [ MEMORYCAP { 'memory-limit' | NONE } ]
    ... [ PROFILE { profile-name | DEFAULT } ]
    ... [ RESOURCE POOL pool-name ]
    ... [ RUNTIMECAP { 'time-limit' | NONE } ]
    ... [ TEMPSPACECAP { 'space-limit' | NONE } ]
  • Unlock user account:
  • Change user passowrd:
  •  ALTER USER "Username" IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  • Unlock user account:
  •  ALTER USER "Username" DEFAULT ROLE "Manager/role name";

    This are some of the examples on how we can alter an user account.