The this tutorial we will talk about the insert statement which is statement is used to insert new records in a table. We will use the Test table which has the following structure: Insert general syntax : In this case we will need to provide values for all the columns of the table. Example: As you can see there is no specification of the fields we want to insert data into, so we need to provide values for all the columns of the table. In this case we chose witch columns we want to insert data into. Example: Notice we only provide values for columns that are provided in the statement. Example: As well we can insert only one value; like said in the upper example :we need to provide values for columns that are provided in the statement. Wrong statements : Example: Reason : the table has 3 columns and we only provided values for 2 of them. Correct statement: Example: Reason: we provided more values then columns; Correct statement: More complex insert statement we will learn later on our tutorials.