The SELECT statement is used to look for data, or to consult our tables.
The syntax for SELECT statement is:
Example 1
Tip: The asterisk (*) is a quick way of selecting all columns!
Or you can restrict the search by calling the rows you chose
Example 2
SELECT using condition/s
Tip: The (--) is a quick way of commenting a line !
Also is important to mention that when the values that will be used in the conditions a string we must place it in single quotes.
Integer values do not require single quotes.
Conditional selections used in the where clause:
= Equal
It will bring all the names that have the id equal to 1.
Greater than
It will bring all the names that have the id bigger then 1.
< Less than
It will bring all the names that have the id smaller then 2.
= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
< Not equal to
The LIKE pattern matching operator can also be used in the conditional selection of the where clause. Like is a very powerful operator that allows you to select only rows that are "like" what you specify. The percent sign "%" can be used as a wild card to match any possible character that might appear before or after the characters specified.
Notice that the select returned all the names that end up in 'ke' , knowing that '%' sign replaced the rest of the string.
We can use the '%' wildcard as well at the end :
At the beginning and at the end.
See that the select returned all the names that have letter 'i' inside.
Remember that we can use more then one character between the wildcard operators.
We will learn more about the power of select after we go thrum the basics of Sql first.