In Vertica a profile enforces password practices – how user passwords are created, reused, and validated.
Benefits of using Profiles in Vertica
Maintain database security by using password management features.
To see the existing profiles on your database use the query bellow:
dbadmin= select * from profiles;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------+------------------
profile_id | 45035996273720540
profile_name | default
password_life_time | unlimited
password_grace_time | unlimited
password_reuse_max | unlimited
password_reuse_time | unlimited
failed_login_attempts | unlimited
password_lock_time | unlimited
password_max_length | unlimited
password_min_length | unlimited
password_min_letters | unlimited
password_min_lowercase_letters | unlimited
password_min_uppercase_letters | unlimited
password_min_digits | unlimited
password_min_symbols | unlimited
dbadmin= CREATE PROFILE log_attempt_1 LIMIT failed_login_attempts 1;
-- see new profile definition
dbadmin= select * from profiles where profile_name='log_attempt_1';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------+------------------
profile_id | 45035996273792650
profile_name | log_attempt_1
password_life_time | default
password_grace_time | default
password_reuse_max | default
password_reuse_time | default
failed_login_attempts | 1
password_lock_time | default
password_max_length | default
password_min_length | default
password_min_letters | default
password_min_lowercase_letters | default
password_min_uppercase_letters | default
password_min_digits | default
password_min_symbols | default
dbadmin= CREATE USER test identified by '123' PROFILE log_attempt_1;
dbadmin= select * from users where user_name='test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------------------
user_id | 45035996273792742
user_name | test
is_super_user | f
profile_name | log_attempt_1
is_locked | f
lock_time |
resource_pool | general
memory_cap_kb | unlimited
temp_space_cap_kb | unlimited
run_time_cap | unlimited
all_roles |
default_roles |
search_path | "$user", public, v_catalog, v_monitor, v_internal
dbadmin= c - test/1234
FATAL 3781: Invalid username or password
Previous connection kept
dbadmin= c - test
FATAL 4975: The user account "test" is locked due to too many invalid logins
HINT: Please contact the database administrator
Previous connection kept
-- verify user account settings
dbadmin= select user_name , profile_name , is_locked from users where user_name='test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------
user_name | test
profile_name | log_attempt_1
is_locked | t
dbadmin= CREATE PROFILE pass_def LIMIT
dbadmin- password_min_length 10
dbadmin- password_min_uppercase_letters 2;
--see profile definition
dbadmin= select * from profiles where profile_name='pass_def';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------+------------------
profile_id | 45035996273793776
profile_name | pass_def
password_life_time | default
password_grace_time | default
password_reuse_max | default
password_reuse_time | default
failed_login_attempts | default
password_lock_time | default
password_max_length | default
password_min_length | 10
password_min_letters | default
password_min_lowercase_letters | default
password_min_uppercase_letters | 2
password_min_digits | default
password_min_symbols | default
-- alter the user test profile to pass_def profile
dbadmin= Alter USER test PROFILE pass_def;
dbadmin= select * from users where user_name='test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------------------
user_id | 45035996273792742
user_name | test
is_super_user | f
profile_name | pass_def
is_locked | t
lock_time | 2015-04-24 11:57:16.35325-04
resource_pool | general
memory_cap_kb | unlimited
temp_space_cap_kb | unlimited
run_time_cap | unlimited
all_roles |
default_roles |
search_path | "$user", public, v_catalog, v_monitor, v_internal
-- try to alter user test password
dbadmin= alter user test identified by '12345A';
ROLLBACK 4923: That password is not acceptable
DETAIL: The password is too short
HINT: Minimum password length is 10 characters
-- try again
dbadmin= alter user test identified by '12345Aabcd';
ROLLBACK 4923: That password is not acceptable
DETAIL: The password must have at least 2 uppercase letters
-- try now using the hints it gives you
dbadmin= alter user test identified by '12345AabcD';