Vertica Dimension Wars and Initial database tunning
Make Dimension table using the Dimension table design !!! I cannot stress enough about this.
Dimension tables are typically small, ranging from a few to several thousand rows. Occasionally dimensions can grow fairly large, but this table are very skinny meaning this tables are not wide .
In Vertica we have UNSEGMENTED and SEGMENTED to ensure high availability and recovery
UNSEGMENTED projections:
this type of projection design applies to small table like lookup tables or Dimension table, where the entire data set can be replicated across all nodes in the cluster.
so in few words if you have a 3 node cluster with a k-safety of 1 you will have 3 copies of the table in each node.
Where B is a single node and contains 100 % of its data in each node.
SEGMENTED projections:
this type of projection design applies to large table with many millions - billions - trill.... etc rows such as Fact Table.
The idea behind it is that since they are to big to be replicated they will segmented into smaller chunks containing certain amounts of data.
The chunks of data or so called projection segmentation provides high availability and recovery and optimizes query execution.
What do you gain from doing this ?
Ensures high availability and recovery through K-Safety.
Spreads the query execution workload across multiple nodes.
Allows each node to be optimized for different query workloads.
How can use properly segment our projections ?
In order to have a proper segmentation in place for a Fact table you need to provide even distribution of data across all nodes in the Cluster.
Vertica provides you with the HASH function that provides even distribution of data across multiple nodes. The ideal candidate column for segmentation should be
the primary key of your table or a combination of column that will be translated into a unique value after HASH has been applied to it.
Note: - segmented projections that have low cardinallty columns in the segmentation clause suffer of Data Skew.
What is Data Skew ?
Data skew is when your projection data is segmented in all nodes but the segments contain different amounts of data.
here is a graphical example of how a projection with bad segmentation looks like and we can see that data distribution is not even similar across nodes.
So how would data Skew affect my Vertica database ?
well when issuing a query in Vertica the Initiator node will split the execution Workload across all nodes and some nodes might work more then other and bottom line is that your Vertica Cluster is as fast as your slowest node.
Here is a graphical example of a Segmented Projection(Buddy Projections).
where a single projection will have buddy projections spread across all nodes. If any one node will go down all data will be available since at least one buddy projection will be available.
Disclaimer - the images used in this article belong to HP Vertica
After all the Projection bla bla bla .. "Hope this was helpful to some of you" we should get back to our bad Dimension design and see how we can find the bad Dimensions and how we can fix this.
So the plan is :
1 - Identify the Dimension tables with bad design
2 - Identify the right order by keys (optimize query performance)
- best sort orders are determined by query WHERE clauses (or the so called predicates).
3 - Prepare your new Projection Definition.
4 - Apply changes.
5 - Remove old projections with bad Design.
6 - Run analyze_histogram on 100 % of the data.
So lets get to work:
1 - Identify the Dimension tables with bad design
If you are critical on table naming conventions :
Use this Query to find Dimension tables that have segmented super projections.
distinct projection_schema||'.'||anchor_table_name
from projections
where is_super_projection='true'
and is_segmented='true'
and anchor_table_name like 'Dim%'
Also you can identify tables that are not called Dim* but they fit into dimension type category:
2 - Identify the right order by keys (optimize query performance)
- best sort orders are determined by query WHERE clauses (or the so called predicates).
i am a firm believer that database performance is very dependent on your table design.
Some basic rules on sort order of your projections:
1 - Do you use this column in any of your filters ? YES (consider it for sort order) / NO (do not consider it for sort order).
2 - Keep the same sort order for all buddy projections as Refresh and Recovery will be a pain for them.
3 - Try to avoid the default sort order given by Vertica a creation time. (will be the order of the columns in which the anchor table has been created)
4 - Cardinality is an important factor when choosing your sort order. Use low-cardinality columns with the smallest number of distinct values before the high-cardinality columns.
5 - Even if you have High-cardinality columns used as predicates make sure your give sort order priority to them, i return some extra space will be used.
6 - Size of the columns is important when choosing the sort order. Try to put larger footprint column before smaller footprint column
A column with CHAR(50) takes up 50 bytes, but an INTEGER column takes up 8 bytes. By putting the CHAR(50) column ahead of the INTEGER column, your projection compresses better.
7 - AccessRank can be applied to predicate columns as well. But this only if your Database runs on more types of storage and you are using Storage Tiers. I will not go in details about this.
How do find my most used predicates ?
1 - One way is to talk to your developers and see what they have to say.
2 - Start looking thru the dc table :
this will output the columns used a filters in your queries.
3 - Prepare your new Projection Definition.
Before going ahead and change the table definition make sure you have picked-up the best encoding for the table.
The best way to do this is by using DBD build-in function called DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS.
this function will analyze your table and data and will come up with the best encoding fit.
Where true stands for deploy or false stands for dont deploy just generate the script.
After you have your predicates and encoding sorted out put together your final table & projection design.
Please remember Sort order tips on Predicate use and Cardinality & Encoding type.
4 - Apply changes.
Run the Create Projection Script.
5 - Remove old projections with bad Design.
Make sure the new projection is up to date before you try to drop the old projection. It wont let anyway if is not :).
6 - Run analyze_histogram on 100 % of the data.
Run analyze_histogram using 100% in the option parameter.
-analyze_histogram is nothing more then the bigger brother of analyze_statistics.
I hope this was not that boring and somebody will find it useful.