Vertica Create Schema command

How to create schema in Vertica ?

In Vertica like in other database the "SCHEMA" is a part of the Logical Schema.

Why the need of schemas ?
  • Allows Many users to access the database without interfering with one another.
  • Individual schemas can be configured to grant specific users access to the schema and its tables while restricting others.
  • Allows other applications to create tables that have the same name in different schemas, preventing table collisions.
  • The user who can create a schema is the superuser or a user that received the right to create one.

    Syntax to create a schema
    CREATE SCHEMA [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [db-name.]schema [ AUTHORIZATION user-name ]

    Where the options are:

  • [ IF NOT EXISTS ] - Will generate an notice if object exist.
  • [db-name.] - Specifies the current database name.
  • schema - Specifies the name of the schema to create
  • AUTHORIZATION user-name - Assigns ownership of the schema to a user. Only a Superuser is allowed to create a schema that is owned by a different user.
  • Examples of creating a schema in Vertica:
  • Create schema :
  •  CREATE SCHEMA schema_name;
  • Create a schema "IF NOT EXISTS" and schema does not exist:
  • Create a schema with the "IF NOT EXISTS " and schema exist:
  •   CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema_name;
    NOTICE 4214:  Object "schema_name" already exists; nothing was done
  • Create a schema where the tables owner will be Martin:
  •  CREATE SCHEMA schema_name AUTHORIZATION Martin;

    In the next tutorial we will see how we can alter a schema.