In this article i will talk about the PAM(pluggable authentication modules) in Oracle Exadata Linux Operational System.
So what is PAM and what is it used for ?
Well as stated before PAM means pluggable authentication modules and it is a flexible mechanism for authenticating users.
PAM provides a way to develop programs that are independent of authentication scheme. These programs need "authentication modules" to be attached to them at run-time in order to work. Which authentication module is to be attached is dependent upon the local system setup and is at the discretion of the local system administrator.
So far so good but what is all of this has to do with Oracle Exadata machine ?
Every Oracle Exadata Machine comes with configurated with the pam_tally2 options ON, and they will follow some rules that are set in your sshd files located in your /etc/pam.d folder.
Depending on your Exadata Image version it might have a different configuration, to get you Image version use the imageinfo command logged as root user:
[root@exadata-host]# imageinfo
Kernel version: 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek #1 SMP Tue May 27 13:20:24 PDT 2014 x86_64
Image version:
[root@exadata-host]# cat sshd | grep lock
auth required deny=5 onerr=fail lock_time=600
[root@exadata-host]# pam_tally2 -u adrian.oprea
Login Failures Latest failure From
root 1 11/11/14 01:11:33
[root@exadata-host]# pam_tally2 -u adrian.oprea -r
Login Failures Latest failure From
root 1 11/11/14 01:11:33