In this post explains how to use the CONCAT function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples.
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the CONCAT function allows you to concatenate strings together.
The syntax for the CONCAT function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is:
CONCAT( string1, string2, ... string_n )
The strings to concatenate together.
The CONCAT function can be used in the following versions of SQL Server (Transact-SQL):
Let's look at some SQL Server CONCAT function examples and explore how to use the CONCAT function in SQL Server (Transact-SQL).
For example:
Output: ''
SELECT CONCAT('Tech', 'On', 'The', 'Net', '.com');
Output: ''
SELECT CONCAT('Tech ', 'On ', 'The ', 'Net');
Output: 'Tech On The Net'
When you are concatenating values together, you might want to add space characters to separate your concatenated values. Otherwise, you might get a long string with the concatenated values running together. This makes it very difficult to read the results.
Let's look at an easy example.
For example:
SELECT CONCAT('Orange', ' ', 'Peach');
Output: 'Orange Peach'
In this example, we have used the second parameter within the CONCAT function to add a space character between the values Orange and Peach. This will prevent our values from being squished together.
Instead our result would appear as follows:
'Orange Peach'
Here, we have concatenated the two values, separated by a space character.
Since the parameters within the CONCAT function are separated by single quotation marks, it isn't straight forward how to add a single quotation mark character within the result of the CONCAT function.
Let's look at a fairly easy example that shows how to add a single quote to the resulting string using the CONCAT function.
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, we can concatenate a single quote as follows:
SELECT CONCAT('Let', '''', 's learn SQL Server');
Output: Let's learn SQL Server
In this example, we have used the second parameter within the CONCAT function to add a single quote into the middle of the resulting string.
Since our parameters are enclosed in single quotes, we use 2 additional single quotes within the surrounding single quotation marks to represent a single quote in our result as follows:
Then when you put the whole function call together:
SELECT CONCAT('Let', '''', 's learn SQL Server');
You will get the following result:
Let's learn SQL Server
Question: Since the CONCAT function was introduced in SQL Server 2012, how do I concatenate strings together in earlier versions of SQL Server, such as SQL Server 2008 or 2005?
Answer:In any version of SQL Server, you can concatenate strings together using the + operator.
For example, you could concatenate two strings together using the + operator, as follows:
SELECT 'TechOn' + '';
Output: ''
You could concatenate three strings together using the + operator, as follows:
SELECT 'AODBA' + '.' + 'com';
Output: ''