This script will extract all the privileges that a role was granted.
select role, 'ROL' type, granted_role pv
from role_role_privs
where role like '%&rolecheck%'
select role, 'PRV' type, privilege pv
from role_sys_privs
where role like '%&rolecheck%'
select role,
'OBJ' type,
max(decode(privilege, 'WRITE', 'WRITE,')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'READ', 'READ')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'EXECUTE', 'EXECUTE')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'SELECT', 'SELECT')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'DELETE', ',DELETE')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'UPDATE', ',UPDATE')) ||
max(decode(privilege, 'INSERT', ',INSERT')) || ' ON ' || object_type || ' "' ||
a.owner || '.' || table_name || '"' pv
from role_tab_privs a, dba_objects b
where role like '%&rolecheck%'
and a.owner = b.owner
and a.table_name = b.object_name
group by a.owner, table_name, object_type, role
select role, '---' type, 'this is an empty role ---' pv
from dba_roles
where not role in (select distinct role from role_role_privs)
and not role in (select distinct role from role_sys_privs)
and not role in (select distinct role from role_tab_privs)
and role like '%&rolecheck%'
group by role
order by role, type, pv;