In this PostgreSQL post explains how to use the PostgreSQL date_part function with syntax and examples.
The PostgreSQL date_part function extracts parts from a date.
The syntax for the date_part function in PostgreSQL is:
date_part( 'unit', date )
The date, timestamp, time, or interval value from which the date part is to be extracted.
The unit type of the interval such as day, month, minute, hour, and so on. It can be one of the following:
unit | Explanation |
century | Uses the Gregorian calendar where the first century starts at '0001-01-01 00:00:00 AD' |
day | Day of the month (1 to 31) |
decade | Year divided by 10 |
dow | Day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, ... 6=Saturday) |
doy | Day of the year (1=first day of year, 365/366=last day of the year, depending if it is a leap year) |
epoch | Number of seconds since '1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC', if date value. Number of seconds in an interval, if interval value |
hour | Hour (0 to 23) |
isodow | Day of the week (1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, ... 7=Sunday) |
isoyear | ISO 8601 year value (where the year begins on the Monday of the week that contains January 4th) |
microseconds | Seconds (and fractional seconds) multiplied by 1,000,000 |
millennium | Millennium value |
milliseconds | Seconds (and fractional seconds) multiplied by 1,000 |
minute | Minute (0 to 59) |
month | Number for the month (1 to 12), if date value. Number of months (0 to 11), if interval value |
quarter | Quarter (1 to 4) |
second | Seconds (and fractional seconds) |
timezone | Time zone offset from UTC, expressed in seconds |
timezone_hour | Hour portion of the time zone offset from UTC |
timezone_minute | Minute portion of the time zone offset from UTC |
week | Number of the week of the year based on ISO 8601 (where the year begins on the Monday of the week that contains January 4th) |
year | Year as 4-digits |
The date_part function can be used in the following versions of PostgreSQL:
Let's look at some PostgreSQL date_part function examples and explore how to use the date_part function in PostgreSQL with date values.
For example:
postgres=# SELECT date_part('day', date '2014-04-25');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('month', date '2014-04-25');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('year', date '2014-04-25');
(1 row)
Let's explore how to use the date_part function in PostgreSQL with timestamp values.
For example:
postgres=# SELECT date_part('day', timestamp '2014-04-25 08:44:21');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('month', timestamp '2014-04-25 08:44:21');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('minute', timestamp '2014-04-25 08:44:21');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('hour', timestamp '2014-04-25 08:44:21');
(1 row)
Let's explore how to use the date_part function in PostgreSQL with time values.
For example:
postgres=# SELECT date_part('minute', time '08:44:21');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('milliseconds', time '08:44:21.7');
(1 row)
Let's explore how to use the date_part function in PostgreSQL with interval values.
For example:
postgres=# SELECT date_part('day', interval '5 days 3 hours');
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT date_part('hour', interval '5 days 3 hours');
(1 row)