Script will list all running processes, you can choose what columns you want to use or not.
SELECT pps.thread_id AS thd_id,
pps.processlist_id AS conn_id,
IF( = 'thread/sql/one_connection',
CONCAT(pps.processlist_user, '@', pps.processlist_host),
REPLACE(, 'thread/', '')) user,
pps.processlist_db AS db,
pps.processlist_command AS command,
pps.processlist_state AS state,
pps.processlist_time AS time,
sys.format_statement(pps.processlist_info) AS current_statement,
sys.format_time(esc.lock_time) AS lock_latency,
esc.created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables,
esc.created_tmp_disk_tables AS tmp_disk_tables,
IF(esc.no_good_index_used > 0 OR esc.no_index_used > 0, 'YES', 'NO') AS full_scan,
IF(esc.timer_wait IS NOT NULL,
NULL) AS last_statement,
IF(esc.timer_wait IS NOT NULL, sys.format_time(esc.timer_wait), NULL) as last_statement_latency,
ewc.event_name AS last_wait,
IF(ewc.timer_wait IS NULL AND ewc.event_name IS NOT NULL,
'Still Waiting',
sys.format_time(ewc.timer_wait)) last_wait_latency,
FROM performance_schema.threads AS pps
LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_waits_current AS ewc
USING (thread_id)
LEFT JOIN performance_schema.events_statements_current as esc
USING (thread_id)
GROUP BY thread_id
ORDER BY pps.processlist_time DESC, last_wait_latency DESC;