A very important statement in Vertica is the comment on statement, this statement allows you to create a sort of extended proprieties on the objects you create in the database. Among this objects are: - you can comment on:
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Comment
v_internal | dbadmin |
v_catalog | dbadmin |
v_monitor | dbadmin |
public | dbadmin |
TxtIndex | dbadmin |
v_demo | dbadmin |
store | dbadmin |
online_sales | dbadmin |
dba | dbadmin |
(9 rows)
-- add the comment
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * comment on schema dba is 'this schema stores views used only by dba';
-- quesry the schemas again
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Comment
dba | dbadmin | this schema stores views used only by dba
v_internal | dbadmin |
v_catalog | dbadmin |
v_monitor | dbadmin |
public | dbadmin |
TxtIndex | dbadmin |
v_demo | dbadmin |
store | dbadmin |
online_sales | dbadmin |
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * create table tbl1(id int);
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] dt tbl1;
List of tables
-[ RECORD 1 ]----
Schema | public
Name | tbl1
Kind | table
Owner | dbadmin
Comment |
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * comment on table public.tbl1 is 'Table used for staging data ';
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] dt tbl1;
List of tables
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
Schema | public
Name | tbl1
Kind | table
Owner | dbadmin
Comment | Table used for staging data
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * dj tbl1_super
List of projections
Schema | Name | Owner | Node | Comment
public | tbl1_super | dbadmin | |
(1 row)
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * comment on projection public.tbl1_super is 'Super projection for staging data ';
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] dj tbl1_super
List of projections
Schema | Name | Owner | Node | Comment
public | tbl1_super | dbadmin | | Super projection for staging data
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] comment on column tbl2_super.id is 'Primary key and also blabla bla ';
-- to query the column comment definition use the comments table from the v_catalog schema
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * select * from v_catalog.comments where object_type='COLUMN' and object_name='tbl2_super.id';
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+---------------------------------
comment_id | 45035996273920442
object_id | 45035996273905542
object_type | COLUMN
object_schema | public
object_name | tbl2_super.id
owner_id | 45035996273704962
owner_name | dbadmin
creation_time | 2015-05-03 19:42:52.79828-03
last_modified_time | 2015-05-03 19:42:52.79828-03
comment | Primary key and also blabla bla
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * comment on schema dba is null;
-- see schema meta
(dbadmin@:5433) [dbadmin] * dn dba
List of schemas
Name | Owner | Comment
dba | dbadmin |