S — Share lock needed for select operations (serializable only)
I — Insert lock needed for insert operations
X — Exclusive lock needed for delete operations
T — Tuple Mover lock needed by the Tuple Mover and also used for COPY
into pre-join projections
U — Usage lock needed for query processing
O — Owner lock needed when owner is altering table structure
dbadmin= select * from locks;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+--------------------------------------------------------
node_names | v_test_node0001
object_name | Table:public.test_lock
object_id | 45035996273773554
transaction_id | 45035996273775496
transaction_description | Txn: a0000000011388 'insert into test_lock values (1);'
lock_mode | I
lock_scope | TRANSACTION
request_timestamp | 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537463-03
grant_timestamp | 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537469-03
select timestampdiff(second,request_timestamp,GETDATE()) from locks;
DUMP_LOCKTABLE | Transaction in progress: tid=a0000000011388
digraph Lock_Wait_Graph {
graph [rankdir=BT label="nNode 'v_test_node0001' Locktable (1 entries)n(This is a Waits
-For graphnCircles are transactions, Squares are things lockednEdges from Txns to Oids =
= Txn waiting for LocknEdges from Oids to Txns == Lock in use by Txn)nn" labelloc=t]
1[label="Table:public.test_lock(a0000000010bf2)" shape=box];
2[label="Txn: a0000000011388 'insert into test_lock values (1);'" shape=ellipse];
1-2[label="I; TRANSACTION; 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537463-03; 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537469-03"
digraph Lock_Wait_Graph {
graph [rankdir=BT label="nCombined Distributed Lock Graphn(This is a Waits-For graphnCi
rcles are transactions, Squares are things lockednEdges from Txns to Oids == Txn waiting
for LocknEdges from Oids to Txns == Lock in use by Txn)nn" labelloc=t]
1[label="Table:public.test_lock(a0000000010bf2)" shape=box];
2[label="Txn: a0000000011388 'insert into test_lock values (1);'" shape=ellipse];
1-2[label="I; TRANSACTION; 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537463-03; 2014-04-22 16:17:46.537469-03"
dbadmin= select * from sessions where transaction_id in (select transaction_id from
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+-----------------------------------------------------
node_name | v_test_node0001
user_name | dbadmin
client_hostname |
client_pid | 32583
login_timestamp | 2014-04-22 16:08:16.487623-03
session_id | bih001-20862:0x43de2
client_label |
transaction_start | 2014-04-22 16:17:46.513285-03
transaction_id | 45035996273775496
transaction_description | user dbadmin (insert into test_lock values (1);)
statement_start | 2014-04-22 16:47:01.657181-03
statement_id | 67
last_statement_duration_us | 9434
runtime_priority |
current_statement | select * from sessions where transaction_id in (select transa
ction_id from locks);
last_statement | select * from locks;
ssl_state | None
authentication_method | Password
client_type | vsql
client_version | 07.00.0000
client_os | Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 x86_64
-- to kill or close the transaction
dbadmin= select close_session('bih001-20862:0x43de2');
node_name - the node name for which information is listed
user_name - the user running the query
client_hostname - host name and port of the TCP socket from which the client co
nnection was made
client_pid - process identifier(operational system)
login_timestamp - user login time
session_id - unique session identifier
client_label - user-specified label for the client connection
transaction_start - current transaction start time
transaction_id - hexadecimal representation of the transaction ID
transaction_description - current transaction content
statement_start - start of the execution
statement_id - unique id for the currently-executing statement
last_statement_duration_us - duration of the last completed statement in microseconds
runtime_priority - determines the amount of run-time resources (CPU, I/O bandwid
th) the Resource Manager dedicates(HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW)
current_statement - currently executing statement
last_statement - last executed statement
ssl_state - Secure Socket Layer(SSL) state (None,Server,Mutual)
authentication_method - type of client authentication
client_type - type of client from which the connection was made
client_version - client version
client_os - client operating system