The build_flextable_view create a view of the flex table using the test_keys table created in the previous article using the compute_flextable_keys() function.
Wen the flex table is created the test_view is created automatically but is not populated until you run the compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view() or you run compute_flextable_keys() and build_flextable_view() separate.
dbadmin=> dv test_view
List of View Fields
Schema | View | Column | Type | Size
public | test_view | status | varchar(124) | 124
(1 row)
dbadmin=> select * from test_view ;
Please run compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view() to update this view to reflect real and virtual columns in the flex table
(1 row)
build_flextable_view('flex_table' [ [,'view_name'] [,'user_keys_table'] ])
The function can receive 3 parameters :
flex_table : will hold the flex table name.
view_name : optionaly you can choose the view name of your choise.
user_keys_table: optionaly you can nominate the keys(columns) that will paticipate in the view creation.
dbadmin=> select compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view('test');
Please see public.test_keys for updated keys
The view public.test_view is ready for querying
(1 row)
dbadmin=> dv public.test_view;
List of View Fields
Schema | View | Column | Type | Size
public | test_view | about | varchar(1270) | 1270
public | test_view | address | varchar(120) | 120
public | test_view | age | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | balance | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | company | varchar(24) | 24
public | test_view | email | varchar(66) | 66
public | test_view | favoritefruit | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | friends | long varbinary(304) | 304
public | test_view | gender | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | greeting | varchar(114) | 114
public | test_view | guid | varchar(72) | 72
public | test_view | id | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | isactive | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | latitude | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | longitude | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_view | name | varchar(40) | 40
public | test_view | phone | varchar(34) | 34
public | test_view | picture | varchar(50) | 50
public | test_view | registered | varchar(52) | 52
public | test_view | tags | long varbinary(288) | 288
(20 rows)
The view is now created and ready to be used in queries or to me materialized.
Create view with diferent name:
dbadmin=> select build_flextable_view('test','test_custom');
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+-------------------------------------------
build_flextable_view | The view test_custom is ready for querying
dbadmin=> dv test_custom
List of View Fields
Schema | View | Column | Type | Size
public | test_custom | about | varchar(1270) | 1270
public | test_custom | address | varchar(120) | 120
public | test_custom | age | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | balance | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | company | varchar(24) | 24
public | test_custom | email | varchar(66) | 66
public | test_custom | favoritefruit | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | friends | long varbinary(304) | 304
public | test_custom | gender | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | greeting | varchar(114) | 114
public | test_custom | guid | varchar(72) | 72
public | test_custom | id | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | isactive | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | latitude | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | longitude | varchar(20) | 20
public | test_custom | name | varchar(40) | 40
public | test_custom | phone | varchar(34) | 34
public | test_custom | picture | varchar(50) | 50
public | test_custom | registered | varchar(52) | 52
public | test_custom | tags | long varbinary(288) | 288
(20 rows)