How to change Vertica Cluster IP address step by step
These instructions assume you have already made the standard OS changes to change the IPs (for example, updating /etc/hosts). These instructions detail only the Vertica-specific IP changes.
To change the IP address of one or more nodes in a cluster:
4. On each node edit /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf:
a. Change the old IPs to the new IPs as required.
b. Locate the N number for each IP and change it to match the new IP. For example, if the old IP is, then the corresponding N number is N010010081008. N numbers consist of 3 digits for each IP number segment, padded with zeros when appropriate (10 becomes 010, 8 become 008, etc.). If the new IP address is, then the new corresponding N number is N010010081009.
5. On each node edit /etc/sysconfig/spreadd and change the N numbers to the new N numbers as you changed in vspread.conf.
6. As root, on each node start spread by using the following command:
7. Start a single Vertica node and run vsql.
8. In vsql, issue the following query to verify the new IP has been updated:
You can also verify IPs with the following shell commands:
Modify the database to use the new IPs for reporting node status:
In vsql, issue the command select node_name, node_address from v_catalog.nodes; to show you the current node names configured.
For each result, update the IP address by issuing the command: alter node NODE_NAME is hostname 'new.ip.address'; where NODE_NAME is
the node_name and new.ip.address is the new IP of that node. Note: the node must be down to change the IP using the alter node
command. You can change all the IPs for the cluster from the first node if only the first node is up, then bring down the first node and bring up
another node to change the IP of the first node.