What is the Linux terminal or shell

Working with the Shell

The shell is a program that will let you interact with the OS.We can also use the graphical user interfaces (GUI) to interact with the OS but in this tutorials we will just use the command line interfaces.On Ubuntu we have the bash that acts as the shell program.

Let's start the terminal:

On Ubuntu the default shortcut keys to open the terminal are Ctrl+Alt+T. shell Or you can go to Application Accessories Terminal and click to open. Now after we have the terminal opened let's see some basic futures of it: Start by typing something at the terminal line and press enter We can see that we got an error message, is telling us that he does not understand what we tell him. Example of the output:
wannabe-dba~$blabla bla
-bash: blabla: command not found
Now press arrow up .... and see that you can access the command history.This is a very useful thing for everyday stuff. You can even use the mouse inside the terminal. You can select, copy and paste as well.Using a 3 button mouse can make terminal work pretty easy because of scrolling ability.