The "count()"function allows us to count the number of row in a certain table or to count some values.
Select count(name of the column) from table_name;
--first lets drop the table Test (if she exists, if not skip the drop line).Drop table test;create table test (id int,name varchar(20),email varchar(20),salary int,de char(2));--insert values into tableinsert into test values (1,'Eve','[email protected]',1500,'HR'); insert into test values (2,'Jon','[email protected]',2500,'AD');insert into test values (3,'Mike','[email protected]',3000,'AD');insert into test values (4,'Paul','[email protected]',3200,'HR');insert into test values (5,'Mary','[email protected]',1800,'IT');insert into test values (6,'Jane','[email protected]',2200,'IT');
select * from test ; ID NAME EMAIL SALARY DE ---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- -- -------- 1 Eve [email protected] 1500 HR 2 Jon [email protected] 2500 AD 3 Mike [email protected] 3000 AD 4 Paul [email protected] 3200 HR 5 Mary [email protected] 1800 IT 6 Jane [email protected] 2200 IT
select count(*) from test; COUNT(*) ---------- 6
select count(*) from test where DE='IT'; COUNT(*) ---------- 2
select count(*) from test where salary
2500; COUNT(*) ---------- 2