What this article is about ?
Column oriented database systems have attracted much attention in recent years.
What is a database-oriented system column?
A database system that stores each column in the database table separately assigning values within the same column stored contiguously. Data is compressed, and densely packed, unlike one traditional database systems that store entire records in rows one after another.
Does this kind of database,will be the answer to work with large volumes of data in real time?
The beginning
Vertica was founded in 2005 by Michael Stonebraker, which is behind the creation of Ingres, PostgreSQL, Aurora, C-Store, Morpheus, and databases H-Store.
The C-Store project founded by Stonebraker and a database-oriented column running in cluster environment. His goal was to reduce the amount of I/O that occurs in a traditional data warehouse.
The database is run in parallel on multiple machines, but has an architecture "Shared Nothing" without sharing any resources between machines, so the query is forwarded runs locally.
Beginning of a new era!
In 2011 Hewlett-Packard purchase Vertica finally puts HP in data storage and analysis of market, which is becoming more important every day.
"The new kid on the Block"
In 2014 already in HP Vertica 7.0.1 version, Vertica has been voted as the best Columnar Database System in 2014.